Move-In/Move Out

Cleaning Service

in Brooklyn, Queens & Manhattan

Move-In/Move Out Cleaning

Moving is a big job. Our move in/out cleaning is a deep clean service that ensures the apartment is empty and clean for your move. All surfaces will be wiped and sanitized of all dust, grime, and build up. This will ensure peace of mind when moving on to your next chapter or for a stress-free welcome to your new home.

IMPORTANT: Please let us know if any construction/renovation work was done before your move in.



1 BEDROOM $249

2 BEDROOM $279

3 BEDROOM $309

4 BEDROOM $339

5 BEDROOM $399

6 BEDROOM $459

[Pricing includes 1 bathroom, added services will be additional]

[Discounts available for frequent clients ie: weekly, bi-weekly and monthly clients]

Here is what we do:

Living Areas/Bedroom(s):

  • Dry floor cleaning with a vacuum cleaner or broom (Note: Please specify if you do not have a vacuum or broom)

  • Wet cleaning of floors and baseboards

  • Wet cleaning window sills

  • Wipe mirror and glass surfaces

  • Cleaning of all types of furniture (tabletops, shelves, closets, cabinets and other surfaces)

  • Empty and clean wardrobes, cabinets, drawers, etc

  • Dust air conditioners (NOT detailed cleaning or filter change)

  • Take out any remaining trash in the unit (Note: bulk items or furniture may require a junk removal service)

  • Light switches and door handles wiped


  • Clean and disinfect faucets, sinks, and toilets

  • Clean and sanitize showers and tubs

  • Wipe bathroom tiles

  • Wipe down cabinets interior/exterior


  • Clean stovetop

  • Clean oven interior/exterior

  • Clean refrigerator interior/exterior

  • Clean microwave interior/exterior

  • Dust/Degrease kitchen surfaces

  • Empty and/or clean interior/exterior of cabinets

  • Take out remaining trash

Cleaning of blinds/shutters, fans, washing the walls, laundry or windows.

* If you would like for us to do any items that are not listed above, please add it in “Extras” on the Booking page. For wall cleanings let us know which walls you would like cleaned. Please note that some marks such as ink, paint, glue, etc., may not be totally cleaned and need fixing.


  • Moving heavy furniture and appliances

  • High bulbs and ceiling fans

  • Window exteriors

  • Pet waste

We offer hourly rate pricing and a customized experience for home cleaning services based on the size, condition, and need of the apartment or house. Consult Cleaning Day NY at 917.933.5052 OR for deep home, apartment cleaning service in Brooklyn, Queens, and Manhattan.