Basic Cleaning Service

in Brooklyn, Queens & Manhattan

Basic cleaning is a detailed cleaning of your space. This level of cleaning is for apartments or houses that are consistently cleaned, maintained, and in good condition. In most cases, a deep clean has recently been performed by the Cleaning Day NY Team or previous cleaners. Please note that for this level of cleaning, we do ask to pre-qualify the space with photos.



1 BEDROOM $149

2 BEDROOM $179

3 BEDROOM $209

4 BEDROOM $239

5 BEDROOM $299

6 BEDROOM $359


[Pricing includes 1 bathroom, added services will be additional]

[Discounts available for frequent clients ie: weekly, bi-weekly and monthly clients]

Here is what we do:

Living Areas/Bedroom(s):

  • Dry floor cleaning with a vacuum cleaner or broom (Note: Please specify if you do not have a broom or vacuum)

  • Wet cleaning of floors (Note: Please specify if you do not have a mop)

  • Wipe glass and mirror surfaces

  • Dust accessible surfaces*, interior items, home appliances, design elements (vases, picture frames, photo frames, etc.).

    *Please note depending on the amount of accessories, the duration may be increased.

  • Take out the garbage and recycling (Note: We do not separate/organize recycling and ask that you do so before our services)

  • Make beds/Change Sheets (Note: If you would like sheets changed, please prepare/provide change of sheets)


  • Clean stove top

  • Wipe exterior of refrigerator

  • Wipe exterior of microwave and oven

  • Wipe kitchen countertops and spot clean cabinet exteriors

  • Clean and sanitize sinks

  • Take out garbage and recycling

  • Sweep and wet wash floors (Note: Please specify if you do not have a broom or mop)


  • Clean and sanitize shower/tub and toilet

  • Clean and sanitize counters and sinks

  • Clean bathroom mirrors

  • Wipe bathroom counter and shelves exterior

  • Wipe shower caddy and soap dish

  • Take out garbage

  • Dust light fixtures and bulbs within reach

  • Clean floors

* Please note that if your home was not cleaned for more than 2-3 months, we will do a deep cleaning of the surfaces (excluding inside the cabinets, appliances, etc.), and extra time for Heavy Condition will be applied to your booking.

* If you would like for us to do any items that are not listed above, please add it in “Extras” on the Booking page. For wall cleanings let us know which walls you would like cleaned. Please note that some marks such as ink, paint, glue, etc., may not be totally cleaned and need fixing.

Cleaning the blinds/shutters, fans, organizing inside the cabinets/closets/drawers, washing the walls, laundry, and windows.


  • Moving heavy furniture and appliances

  • High bulbs and ceiling fans

  • Window exteriors

  • Pet waste

We offer hourly rate pricing and a customized experience for home cleaning services based on the size, condition, and need of the apartment or house. Consult Cleaning Day NY at 917.933.5052 OR for deep home, apartment cleaning service in Brooklyn, Queens, and Manhattan.